Dear Members:
Our Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday October 29th at 7:00pm. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 situation, we will be holding this years AGM online through a Zoom call.
In order to attend the online AGM, membership must be renewed at least two days prior to the event (by October 27th) to receive the invite and login information. This will be a closed Zoom call for members only.
Please follow the LINK to membership page. Online payment options are available (see below):
The event will include short presentations and update information to the community, plus events to look forward to in the coming year.
Membership Payment On-Line: Through your on-line banking. Find the Interac e-transfer area. Choose account, amount and ensure you add Lakeview Ratepayers Association as a recipient. Use the email admin@lakeviewratepayers.com and please ensure you add your name into the message section. No password is required, this will go directly to our email, that will then be accepted by us and deposited to our account. Please also email a copy of the membership form to the email above.
Membership Payment by cheque (mail cheque and memberhip form) :
579A Lakeshore Road East, PO Box 39515, Mississauga ON, L5G 4S6
We do hope you can join us! If you have any questions or require assistance with registering, please contact admin@lakeviewratepayers.