City’s Vision for Lakeview Continues to Inspire

Article – dated April 10, 2018

For a number of years, the City of Mississauga, together with the Government of OntarioOntario Power Generation (OPG) and the community have worked together to develop a shared vision for the Lakeview waterfront that was the previous home of a provincial coal fired generating station.

The City engaged in an initiative that spanned years of consultation, collaboration and consensus,” said Janice Baker, City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer. “The outcome of the process was a collective community vision of a mixed-use neighbourhood, with a vibrant public and private realm including open spaces, cultural amenities and a hub for employment. The Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan is the result of tremendous grass-roots energy and commitment, with a true ‘made-in-Mississauga’ stamp on it. We look forward to receiving the formal application and commencing our technical review and to further engagement with the community to bring this vision to a reality.”

“The development of the Lakeview lands has been and will continue to be a collaborative effort and a new way of community building,” said Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of Mississauga. “Getting to today was no small feat. We owe much of our progress to the late Jim Tovey and to the residents behind Inspiration Lakeview. I’d also like to thank the Government of Ontario for making Lakeview a priority and for transferring a portion of the property to the City to support innovation and promote culture. Together, we’ve built a solid master plan we can all be proud of. I look forward to continuing to work with the community as we transform our vision for the lakefront into reality, while putting Mississauga on the map as a destination.”

The Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan calls for the 177-acre brownfield site to transform to a mixed-use community with a variety of residential building types, parkland, cultural and employment uses, with buildings featuring environmentally sustainable designs.

As announced on March 20 by OPG, the land was sold to developers for $275 million. As part of the conditions of sale, 67 acres of land will be remediated and transferred to the City of Mississauga.

For its part, the City has drafted Official Plan policies that support the implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Master Plan by enshrining the principles of the Master Plan into Mississauga’s Official Plan.  Two projects are underway – Access to the Western Pier and the Innovation Corridor Feasibility Study – to support public access to the waterfront and to attract innovative industries to the area.

According to Angela Dietrich, Acting Director, City Planning Strategies, “The proposed policies are still in draft and the City is currently inviting comments from the public and key stakeholders as part of the Official Plan Amendment process. It is really important to have strong land use policies that align to this massive and important redevelopment. We have one chance to get this right.”

“As we move forward in the planning process, it is exciting to see the community and our partners come together to realize the vision of an accessible, sustainable waterfront for Mississauga,” said Lorenzo Ruffini, Manager, City Building Initiatives.

Inspiration Lakeview is one of Mississauga’s three key redevelopment waterfront projects along with Inspiration Port Credit (70 Mississauga Road South and 1 Port Street).

“The future is bright for Mississauga,” said Ward 1 Councillor David Cook. “I know that Jim’s vision will continue to be realized. Look how far we have come already.  We have great residents in Lakeview who are committed to helping us transform the waterfront into a destination for all to enjoy.”