Local residents have been working beyond the recent City run Lakeview East Corridor Study through workshops on a vision that includes place making, public realm, heritage, walkability, parks, and how they work with public transit, height, density & growth, sustainability & parkland. Building a complete community, while taking all factors into consideration.
We would like to reintroduce & reinforce the original Lakeview Legacy vision of a Lakeview Linear Heritage Park along the Lakeshore Corridor. Using our existing heritage landscape to create a human scale main street. Please see below for recent images provided by Professor John Danahy.
Lakeview Linear Heritage Park – maintaining existing green space frontage along Lakeshore Road EastEast Avenue (west building – red) to Small Arms (east) showing the Lakeview Linear Heritage Park & proposed BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) line proposed for future transit
Plan to attend the virtual information session at the City Planning & Development Committee with respect 958-960 Lakeshore Rd E (former Byngmount & Peel Housing site)
Please refer to our recentNewsletterfor more details
December 10th community meeting ONLINE 6:30pm – Details provided by Councillor Dasko’s office: Meeting number (access code): 172 683 5635 Meeting password: ward1 (92731 from video systems) Webex LINK Join by phone : 647-484-1596, Meeting Access : 172 683 5635#
Corner of Lakeshore & Dixie opposite the Small Arms Building)
1381 Lakeshore Rd East (corner of Dixie & Lakeshore – east side) Another precedent setting proposal submitted for development along the Lakeshore corridor Proposed Development: To change the official plan and zoning to permit a 8 to 15-storey condominium apartment building containing 242 residential units with 3 levels of underground parking and ground floor retail space. Lakeview Local Area Plan allows for 2-4 stories along Lakeshore Road, any further height consideration requires additional stepping back. Details provided on the City Development submission site
Plan to attend and have your say in development along Lakeshore Corridor Developer is requesting a height amendment to the Lakeview Local Area Plan setting precedent for future development applications. In the last few months, numerous submissions have been received by the City for increased height along the Lakeshore Corridor. Your voice counts!
Community Feedback: Any height above 2- 4-storeys at Lakeshore Road should be stepped back prior to additional height consideration. Plans currently show 4-storeys at the building edge, upon further investigation, this is nothing more than a ledge and should not constitute an actual step back of the building.
No direct contact has taken place with this developer and resident association
A Lakeshore Corridor study needs to take place, prior to considering this and other projects that require Official Plan & Lakeview Local Area Plan amendments.
Please refer to the Lakeview Legacy document point 10 (page 7) when referring to the ’10 guiding design principles’ of the Citizens Visioning Plan.
Establish the Lakeshore Corridor as a tree lined linear Heritage Park including an LRT and bikeway on the south side of Lakeshore Road flanking and servicing the medium density south of Lakeshore in the Lakeview Core (strategy 6) and linking Lakeview’s existing neighborhoods to the waterfront, core community services, revitalized commercial and employment zone
Community Meeting (virtual) provided by Councillor Stephen Dasko 958-960 East Avenue File:0Z20/005
Wednesday December 2nd – 6:30pm WEBEX LINK
Meeting number (access code): 172 960 9925
Meeting password: ward1 (92731 from video systems)
Plan to attend and have your say in development along Lakeshore Corridor
Developer is requesting a height amendment to the Lakeview Local Area Plan (each current development demands more height) setting precedent for future development. In the last few months, numerous submissions have been received by the City for increased height along the Lakeshore Corridor. Your voice counts!
Community Feedback:
* Any height above 2- 4-storeys at Lakeshore Road should be stepped back before any further height consideration
* Original ‘L’ shaped building change has impacted the development with land swopping
* No through traffic access through the existing stable community at Byngmount Avenue
* Process: original 2014 engagement was done well, however no further engagement since & previous community input has been put aside
* Ground floor space needs to integrate with the existing Lakeview community (community kitchen to be considered)
* Green space opportunity to tie in new residents with community through parkette/community garden
* Better architectural design to the building
* Balconies should be included and rooftop space for greenery options
* Lakeshore Corridor study needs to take place, prior to considering these projects
Community Meeting (virtual) provided by Councillor Stephen Dasko 958-960 East Avenue File:0Z20/005 Wednesday December 2nd – 6:30pm WEBEX LINK Meeting number (access code): 172 960 9925 Meeting password: ward1 (92731 from video systems)
Plan to attend and have your say in development along Lakeshore Corridor Developer is asking for a height amendment to the Lakeview Local Area Plan (each current development demands more height) setting precedent for future development. In the last few months, numerous submissions have been received by the City for increased height along the Lakeshore Corridor. Your voice counts!
Community Feedback: * Any height above 2- 4-storeys at Lakeshore Road should be stepped back (terraced) before any further height consideration * Original ‘L’ shaped building change has impacted the development with land swopping * No through traffic access through the existing stable community at Byngmount Avenue * Process: original 2014 engagement was well done, however no further engagement since and previous community input has been put aside * Ground floor space needs to integrate with the existing Lakeview community (community kitchen to be considered) * Green space opportunity to tie in new residents with community through parkette/community garden * Better architectural design to the building * Balconies should be included and rooftop space for greenery options * Lakeshore Corridor study needs to take place, prior to considering these projects
In April 2014, former Councillor Jim Tovey held a charrette to receive ideas from the community on how the redevelopment of affordable housing at the East Avenue location (Owned by Peel Housing Corp) would integrate best within the community. The response was a mixed use building that would include retail space at the ground level and garden space for the residents of the building. Green space at the rear of the building with no through traffic to the existing stable neighbourhood at Bygmount Avenue, however maintaining walkable integration between the neighborhoods.
The community wished to ensure residents (seniors affordable units) integrated with the Lakeside community to the west & the Lakeshore pedestrian orientated corridor. The Lakeview Legacy document captures the idea in point 10 (page 7) when referring to the ’10 guiding design principles’ of the Citizens Visioning Plan.
Establish the Lakeshore Corridor as a tree lined linear Heritage Park including an LRT and bikeway on the south side of Lakeshore Road flanking and servicing the medium density south of Lakeshore in the Lakeview Core (strategy 6) and linking Lakeview’s existing neighborhoods to the waterfront, core community services, revitalized commercial and employment zone
The current affordable building development proposal under review and requiring an official plan & zoning change, does not include the above items or allow the stepping back from 2-4 stories along Lakeshore Road, nor does it take into consideration the LAP policy, the future transportation plans or Linear Heritage Park along the Lakeshore Corridor.
In addition, here lies a perfect opportunity to increase the number of units by extending the building from Lakeshore Road and further south along East Avenue, maintaining the ‘L’ shape of the building but stepping back from Lakeshore Road. Ultimately, this will blend the development at this location, with the new community development of Rangeview and Lakeview Village, integrating with the east side of East Avenue as it develops. The unique idea was to extend the building and add additional units over the top of the paramedic station (also owned by the Region) not unusual, and achieving more desperately needed housing.
Note: The Region owns the former Byngmount School property directly adjacent.
Affordable housing is welcome and has been encouraged on this site by the community. The focus should align with the city strategic plan; completing our neighborhoods through developing walkable, connected neighbourhoods, while building vibrant communities and nurturing ‘villages’.
Amendments have been requested to the Official Plan and the Lakeview Local Area Plan to provide 151 affordable housing units. New rental units will replace the 30 units and add an additional 30 units that will be subsidized (60 units based on a subsidized 60% AMR) plus an additional 90 units based on regular priced AMR (Average Market Rent). The 2016 estimate to build was $45million.
Our Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday October 29th at 7:00pm. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 situation, we will be holding this years AGM online through a Zoom call.
In order to attend the online AGM, membership must be renewed at least two days prior to the event (by October 27th) to receive the invite and login information. This will be a closed Zoom call for members only.
Please follow the LINK to membership page. Online payment options are available (see below):
The event will include short presentations and update information to the community, plus events to look forward to in the coming year.
Membership Payment On-Line: Through your on-line banking. Find the Interac e-transfer area. Choose account, amount and ensure you add Lakeview Ratepayers Association as a recipient. Use the email admin@lakeviewratepayers.com and please ensure you add your name into the message section. No password is required, this will go directly to our email, that will then be accepted by us and deposited to our account. Please also email a copy of the membership form to the email above.
Membership Payment by cheque (mail cheque and memberhip form) :
LAKEVIEW RATEPAYER’S ASSOCIATION 579A Lakeshore Road East, PO Box 39515, Mississauga ON, L5G 4S6
We do hope you can join us! If you have any questions or require assistance with registering, please contact admin@lakeviewratepayers.
Its that time! Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday October 29th at 7:00pm. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-10 situation, we will be holding this years AGM online through a Zoom call. This is not our preferred option for holding the event, however we feel that the health and safety of our residents is paramount at this time.
We therefore ask that our members register through the link below to gain access to the meeting. To liven things up, we will be include some short presentations and update information to the community.
We do hope you can join us! If you have any questions or require assistance with registering, please contact admin@lakeviewratepayers.com
Are you interested in joining our Board or being part of a Committee? We always enjoy having the extra help or seeing new faces getting involved in the Board and our community. Please send your details including name, email, phone number and why interested in joining the Board to the email address above before Thursday October 15th
Our Annual General Meeting to be held on Thursday October 29th at 7:00pm. Unfortunately due to the current Covid-19 situation, we will be holding this years AGM online through a Zoom call.
In order to attend the online AGM, membership must be renewed at least two days prior to the event (by October 27th) in order to receive the invite and login information. This will be a closed Zoom call for members only.
Please follow the LINK to membership page. Online payment options are available (see below):
The event will include short presentations and update information to the community, plus events to look forward to in the coming year.
Membership Payment On-Line: Through your on-line banking. Find the Interac e-transfer area. Choose account, amount and ensure you add Lakeview Ratepayers Association as a recipient, use the email admin@lakeviewratepayers.com and please ensure you add your name into the message section. No password is required, this will go directly to our email, that will then be accepted by us and deposited to our account. Please also email a copy of the membership form to email above.
Membership Payment by cheque (mail cheque and memberhip form) :
579A Lakeshore Road East, PO Box 39515, Mississauga ON, L5G 4S6
We do hope you can join us! If you have any questions or require assistance with registering, please contact admin@lakeviewratepayers.com
Lakeview Community Partners Limited is lending the Lakeview Village site to a new Friday night concert series, hosted by LiveMag. Six series in total, the events will begin on September 11th and run each Friday night through September and October featuring local musicians.
Dates: September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9 & 16 All concerts will be held from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm in two 45-minute sets
Concerts will take place at the Lakeview Village site, 800 Hydro Road, at the Lakeview Village sunflower container at the main gate. Free Parking
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs & maintain six-foot physical distancing. Hosts will greet attendees to check in & provide contact information for COVID contact tracing.
The events will support local artists, a group that has been deeply impacted by the pandemic’s restrictions, while creating a delightful evening for community spectators, adjacent to the Lakeview Village sunflower field.
Lakeview Community Partners Limited is lending the Lakeview Village site to a new Friday night concert series, hosted by LiveMag. Six series in total, the events will begin on September 11th and run each Friday night through September and October featuring local musicians.
Dates: September 11, 18, 25, October 2, 9 & 16 All concerts will be held from 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm in two 45-minute sets
Concerts will take place at the Lakeview Village site, 800 Hydro Road, at the Lakeview Village sunflower container at the main gate. Free Parking
Attendees are encouraged to bring their own chairs & maintain six-foot physical distancing. Hosts will greet attendees to check in & provide contact information for COVID contact tracing.
The events will support local artists, a group that has been deeply impacted by the pandemic’s restrictions, while creating a delightful evening for community spectators, adjacent to the Lakeview Village sunflower field.